CNUTZ connect and manage international business clients and individuals with services and support in China, enabling them to achieve greater efficiencies, excellence and capability in their current and future business aspirations


To offer outsourcing support, services and manufacturing of products to the business community in Europe and the rest of the world


Provide an efficient, cost effective and reliable conduit to customers wishing to engage in aspects of product development and outsourcing in China.


Operate to the highest levels of ethical and business integrity, always being mindful and respectful of personal and business ethics and cultural needs and differences.


cnutz was created to act as a conduit for Western Companies to do business in China. Since its incorporation CNUTZ has evolved and now provides in addition to supply chain management:
  • Its own product development service
  • Manufacturing services through its managed facility located in Long Gang, Shenzhen
  • Consultancy and development service and expertise within the Li Ion battery industry
  • Battery testing support capability:
    • UN CB
    • Life cycle and cell characterisation
  • Angel and first round Investment opportunity to entrepreneurial start ups to support their product realisaton

Managing Director
Kenneth Hamilton-Norton is the Managing Director of cnutz. He was born and university educated in Scotland, and has worked in Asia since 1995. He has a total of 25 Years experience initially in an engineering disciplined environment and latterly in Management and Operations. Since moving permanently to China in 2005 he has worked extensively in the field of Li Ion battery technology and has attained a unique insight into the Li China battery industry, whilst working as a consultant for Europe’s leading independent battery pack manufacturer. He has also gained valuable experience in the field of EVs having developed Li packs for the world’s #1 EV car manufacturer at the time (2007).

Where we are
Our factory and office are located in Long Gang District, Shenzhen, approximately 35km from downtown Shenzhen, adjacent to Hong Kong. This district will proudly host the 2011 Universaide (University Olympics).

Access is convenient and easy, typically taking 30 minutes by car from downtown Shenzhen. You are more than welcome to visit us at anytime.


In order to support our clients needs cnutz offer a range of professional product related services including:
  • Product design and development
  • Product accreditation
  • Procurement
  • Consulting, business strategy
  • Engineering
  • Production
  • Quality Assurance
  • Logistics

In relation to the above services we are able to:

a) Locate manufacturers and supply chain sources within China, where possible localizing in the PRD free trade zones.

b) Conduct quality audits, source inspection within manufacturers’ and supply chain sources or in an existing location.


Contact: Kenneth Hamilton Norton
Phone: +447584305469
Skype: khnorton
Web URL:

Click here to contact us


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14th January 2011
CNUTZ relaunches website